Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Preparing for Easter: Jesus Was Not Caught Off Guard

    Today I study John 13:1-20, where Jesus washes his disciples feet. This passage is often used to teach on humble service to others, and that is clearly present in this passage. The thing that has really stuck out to me as I have been studying the book of John though, is how Jesus was always sovereign. Jesus was not caught off guard or surprised by anything that happened. He knew the plan from the beginning and was a willing participant in the Father's salvation plan.

John 13:1-20


  • Jesus and the disciples are having supper before the Feast of the Passover
  • Jesus knows that the time has almost come for him to be crucified
  • Jesus knows all that is about to happen and he is control of the entire situation-it is all part of the plan
  • Jesus goes around and washes each of the disciples feet-a lowly servant's job
  • Peter, in typical fashion, doesn't get it, even when Jesus says he won't understand until later. At first Peter is appalled-his master will never wash his feet. Then when Jesus rebukes Peter saying, "if I don't do this, you aren't a part of me", Peter becomes over-zealous-"well then wash all of me."
  • Jesus says if you are clean already,  you only to need to wash your feet to be fully clean
  • Jesus shows his authority and dominion in verses 10-11 because he knows who will betray him
  • Jesus tells his disciples that he is their Teacher and Lord and that he has just given them an example to follow-they are to serve each other as Jesus has served them
  • We are no greater than Jesus, and if Jesus was willing to serve his disciples, then no form of service to to others is beneath us
  • Jesus keeps giving the disciples cryptic clues to what will happen so that they will see that Jesus was in control the whole time
Questions I have:
  1. Why was washing feet a job for the lowest servant?
  2. Why does Jesus say if the feet are clean, Peter is clean?
Answers I found:
  1. Feet got really dirty from walking on dirt roads. Tables were low to the ground and people reclined around them to eat meals. Nobody wants to eat with nasty feet in their face. It is obvious in Peter's reaction that people of importance did not wash feet, it was a job for a servant. Due to the filth that accumulated on traveler's feet, it was a disgusting job and assigned to a low servant.
    There is also a priestly aspect to the washing of the feet. Priests had to ritually wash before entering the temple. Jesus is establishing himself as the Holy High Priest, but it is possible he is also establishing the disciples as priests who are equipped to enter into holy communication with God and sharing the gospel.
  2. More than likely Jesus is drawing a parallel between the physical and spiritual. If the men had bathed recently then the only thing that would be dirty would be their feet. In parallel, these men are believers and followers of Jesus and they are about to be forever and eternally cleansed of sins, but there is still a place for sanctification.
  • Nothing Jesus does is coincidental, Jesus has complete control over what is going on and nothing is happening outside of his plan. None of the events catch Jesus off guard
  • I love Peter-he is so clueless, just like me. He questions Jesus, claims to know better than Jesus, and then goes overboard with his actions. Jesus is calm and patient with Peter, gently rebuking and correcting him each time. I am so much like Peter and I am grateful that Jesus is calm and patient with me.
  • Nothing was beneath Jesus, he set an example of humble service that he expects us to follow. We are no greater than Jesus who performed the task of a low servant so we should not assume that we are better than taking out the garbage or cleaning toys or mopping a dirty floor.
  • We are chosen by Christ-it is not an accident or happenstance.
  • The disciples still do not fully grasp the idea that Jesus actually is God. Jesus knows that until he dies and is resurrected that they will not fully understand. He keeps telling them things that will only make sense in hindsight, but he is also establishing his divinity and sovereignty.

    Lord, thank you for this beautiful demonstration of service-help me to serve as you served. Forgive me of the times when I have believed that certain acts of service were beneath me. Forgive me for the times when I question you or claim to know better than you. Thank you for your grace when I am pig-headed. Thank you for your salvation plan. Thank you for loving me, and the world, so much that you died in our place. Help me to meditate on that today. You were not merely killed injustly-you willingly sacrificed yourself in accordance to the Father's beautiful, masterful plan.

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