Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Preparing for Easter: Looking At Jesus' Final Words to His Disciples

    So often I forget how much actually happened during Jesus' final 48 hours. So often when we study the final days of Jesus we break it up into little parts and teach the sections separately. We will look at the last supper or look at Jesus washing the disciples feet or look at part of his final speech to the disciples, but we rarely look at all of it together.
    Today I took the time to study John 13:13-35 and John chapters 14, 15, and 16. I studied this large section together because all of these sections comprise Jesus' final speech to his disciples. On the night he was betrayed, Jesus knew that it would not be long until he was no longer going to be with his disciples. He knew that his death was imminent and he knew that the disciples still didn't really have a clue as to what was going to happen. He was leaving them with some final words that were meant to bring clarity later and also provide comfort. These men were Jesus' friends and he had so much he wanted to say to them.
    There is so much in these chapters of scripture. It is here that we read of how Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches, those who abide in him will produce much fruit. It is also here that we read of how Jesus will send the Holy Spirit when he is gone as a Helper and Guide. The disciples are told that just as the world hates Christ, the world will hate them because they are in Christ. Jesus' last words before praying and then going to the garden to be betrayed are some of my favorite words of comfort:

    John 16:33 - "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

   Today I am going to do things a little differently than I have the past two days. I don't want to overwhelm you with an excessively long post. Today I am going to simply share some of the "take aways" I gleaned from reading Jesus' final words to his disciples and I encourage to also go and read these words for yourself.

  • Jesus is God-believing in him means believing in God!
  • The only way to God is Jesus-he is the way, the truth, and the life.
  • We show our love for Jesus by obeying his commands-our obedience does not earn us his love or earn our righteousness-it is simply an outward expression of our love
  • We are commanded to love one another sacrificially as Jesus loved us-this is not a suggestion, it is a command that Jesus expects us to follow
  • Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit as a Helper, Guide, and Convicter
  • None of what happened to Jesus was outside of God's plan!
  • Victory is Won!
  • It will not be easy following Jesus-we will be hated and persecuted and experience trouble, but we don't have to fear because Jesus has overcome the world!
    Lord God, I thank you again for salvation. This path was not an easy one and yet you did it anyway out of love me! Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit as our guide and helper. Help me to lean more on the Spirit. Help me to remember that apart from you I am nothing more than a dead branch, only when I am abiding in you can I bear fruit. Help me to remember that it is not my job to convict others of sin, righteousness or judgement-I am to bear witness and the rest is up to the Holy Spirit. Help me to remember that in times of trouble that this momentary discomfort is to be expected and nothing compared to the eternally victory I will one day fully experience because of your work on the cross. Thank you that the victory has already been won!

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